Items where Subject is "74 Mechanics of deformable solids"

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Number of items at this level: 51.


Abrahams, I.D. and Wickham, G.R. (2002) On transient oscillations of plates in moving fluids. Wave Motion, 33 (1). pp. 7-24. ISSN 0165-2125


Balbi, Valentina and Shearer, Tom and Parnell, William J. (2018) A modified formulation of quasi-linear viscoelasticity for transversely isotropic materials under finite deformation. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474. p. 20180231. ISSN 1364-5021

Borsic, A. and Lionheart, W.R.B. and McLeod, C.N. (2002) Generation of anisotropic-smoothness regularization filters for EIT. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21 (6). pp. 579-587. ISSN 0278-0062


Cates, M.E. and Fielding, S.M. (2006) Rheology of giant micelles. Advances in Physics, 55 (7/8). pp. 799-879. ISSN 0001–8732


De Pascalis, Riccardo and Abrahams, I. David and Parnell, William J. (2014) On nonlinear viscoelastic deformations - a reappraisal of Fung's quasilinear viscoelastic model. submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society A. (Submitted)

De Pascalis, Riccardo and Abrahams, I. David and Parnell, William J. (2012) Predicting the pressure-volume curve of an elastic microsphere composite. submitted to Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. (Submitted)

De Pascalis, Riccardo and Napoli, Gaetano and Turzi, Stefano (2013) Growth-induced blisters in a circular tube. submitted to Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. (Submitted)

De Pascalis, Riccardo and Parnell, William J. and Abrahams, I. David and Shearer, Tom and Daly, Donna M. (2018) The inflation of viscoelastic balloons and hollow viscera. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474. p. 20180102. ISSN 1364-5021


Erbaş, Barış and Abrahams, I. David (2007) Scattering of sound wave by an infinite grating composed of rigid plates. Wave Motion, 44 (4). pp. 282-303. ISSN 0165-2125


Fielding, S.M. (2007) Complex dynamics of shear banded flows. Soft Matter, 3. 1262 -1279. ISSN 1744-683X (In Press)


Gray, J.M.N.T. (2001) Granular flow in partially filled slowly rotating drums. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 441. pp. 1-29. ISSN 0022-1120

Gray, J.M.N.T. and Chugunov, V.A. (2006) Particle-size segregation and diffusive remixing in shallow granular avalanches. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 569. pp. 365-398. ISSN 0022-1120

Gray, J.M.N.T. and Tai, Y.-C and Noelle, S (2003) Shock waves, dead-zones and particle-free regions in rapid granular free surface flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 491. pp. 161-181. ISSN 0022-1120

Gray, J.M.N.T. and Thornton, A.R. (2005) A theory for particle size segregation in shallow granular free-surface flows. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 461. pp. 1447-1473. ISSN 1364-5021

Gray, JMNT and Shearer, M and Thornton, AR (2006) Time-dependent solutions for particle size segregation in shallow granular avalanches. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 462. pp. 947-972. ISSN 1364-5021

Gray, JMNT and Thornton, AR (2005) A theory for particle size segregation in shallow granular free-surface flows. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 461. pp. 1447-1473. ISSN 1364-5021

Green, Ross and Abrahams, I. David and Fusai, Gianluca (2007) Pricing financial claims contingent upon an underlying asset monitored at discrete times. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 59 (4). pp. 373-384. ISSN 1573-2703 (In Press)


Harris, D. (2001) Characteristic relations for a model for the flow of granular materials. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 457 (2006). pp. 347-370. ISSN 1471-2946

Harris, D. (2001) Ill and well-posed models of granular flow. Acta Mechanica, 146 (3-4). pp. 199-225. ISSN 1619-6937

Harris, D. and Grekova, E.F. (2005) A hyperbolic well-posed model for the flow of granular materials. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 52 (1). pp. 107-135. ISSN 0022-0833

Harter, R. and Abrahams, I. David and Simon, M. J. (2007) The effect of surface tension on trapped modes in water-wave problems. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 463 (2088). pp. 3131-3149. ISSN 1471-2946 (In Press)

Hogg, AJ and Gray, JMNT and Cui, X (2005) Granular Vacua. In: Powders and Grains 2005. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 929-933. ISBN 041538348X


Jiang, M.J. and Harris, D. and Yu, H.S. (2005) Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials. Part I: theory. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29 (7). pp. 643-661. ISSN 0363-9061

Jiang, M.J. and Harris, D. and Yu, H.S. (2005) Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials. Part II: evaluation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29 (7). pp. 663-689. ISSN 0363-9061


Lancaster, Peter (2006) Model-Updating for Symmetric Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems. [MIMS Preprint]

Lawrie, Jane B. and Abrahams, I. David (2007) A brief historical perspective of the Wiener-Hopf technique. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 59 (4). pp. 351-358. ISSN 1573-2703 (In Press)


Owen, G. W. and Abrahams, David (2006) Elastic wave radiation from a high frequency finite-length transducer. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 298 (1-2). pp. 108-131. ISSN 0022-460X

Owen, G. W. and Willmott, A. J. and Abrahams, David (2006) Scattering of barotropic Rossby waves by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (C12024). pp. 1-14. ISSN 0148-0227

Owen, G.W. and Abrahams, I.D. and Willmott, A.J. and Hughes, C.W. (2002) On the scattering of baroclinic Rossby waves by a ridge in a continuoisly stratified ocean. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 465. pp. 131-155. ISSN 0022-1120


Parnell, William J (2005) Coupled thermoelasticity in a composite half-space. Journal of Engineering Mathematics. ISSN 0022-0833 (In Press)

Parnell, William J (2007) Effective wave propagation in a prestressed nonlinear elastic composite bar. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 72 (2). pp. 223-244. ISSN 1464-3634

Parnell, William J and Abrahams, I David (2005) Dynamic homogenization in periodic fibre reinforced media. Quasi-static limit for SH waves. Wave Motion, 43 (6). pp. 474-498. ISSN 0165-2125 (In Press)

Parnell, William J. (2015) The Hill and Eshelby tensors for ellipsoidal inhomogeneities in the Newtonian potential problem and linear elastostatics. [MIMS Preprint]

Parnell, William J. (2012) Nonlinear pre-stress for cloaking from antiplane elastic waves. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 468 (2138). pp. 563-580.

Parnell, William J. and Norris, Andrew N. and Shearer, Tom (2012) Employing pre-stress to generate finite cloaks for antiplane elastic waves. Applied Physics Letters. (In Press)

Parnell, William J. and Shearer, Tom (2013) Antiplane elastic wave cloaking using metamaterials, homogenization and hyperelasticity. Wave Motion, 50. pp. 1140-1152. ISSN 0165-2125

Polydorides, N. and Lionheart, W.R.B. and McCann, H. (2002) Krylov subspace iterative techniques: on the detection of brain activity with electrical impedance tomography. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 21 (6). pp. 596-603. ISSN 0278-0062


Shearer, Tom (2015) A new strain energy function for modelling ligaments and tendons whose fascicles have a helical arrangement of fibrils. Journal of Biomechanics. ISSN 0021-9290 (In Press)

Shearer, Tom (2015) A new strain energy function for modelling ligaments and tendons whose fascicles have a helical arrangement of fibrils. Journal of Biomechanics, 48. pp. 3017-3025. ISSN 0021-9290

Shearer, Tom (2014) A new strain energy function for the hyperelastic modelling of ligaments and tendons based on fascicle microstructure. Journal of Biomechanics. ISSN 0021-9290

Shearer, Tom (2014) A new strain energy function for the hyperelastic modelling of ligaments and tendons based on fascicle microstructure. Journal of Biomechanics, 48. pp. 290-297. ISSN 0021-9290

Shearer, Tom and Abrahams, I. David and Parnell, William J. and Daros, Carlos H. (2013) Torsional wave propagation in a pre-stressed hyperelastic annular circular cylinder. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 66 (4). pp. 465-487.

Shearer, Tom and Parnell, William J. and Abrahams, I. David (2015) Antiplane wave scattering from a cylindrical cavity in pre-stressed non-linear elastic media. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. ISSN 1471-2946

Szotten, David and Lionheart, William RB and Tomlinson, Rachel A (2006) Tomographic reconstruction of stress from photoelastic measurements using elastic regularization. [MIMS Preprint]

Szotten, David and Lionheart, William RB and Tomlinson, Rachel A (2006) Tomographic reconstruction of stress from photoelastic measurements using elastic regularization. [MIMS Preprint]


Tai, Y.-C. and Noelle, S. and Gray, J.M.N.T. (2002) Shock capturing and front tracking methods for granular avalanches. Journal of Computational Physics, 175. pp. 269-301. ISSN 0021-9991

Thompson, I. and Abrahams, I.D. and Norris, A.N. (2002) On the existence of flexural edge waves on thin orthotopic plates. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112 (5). pp. 1756-1765. ISSN 0001-4966

Thornton, AR and Gray, JMNT and Hogg, AJ (2006) A three-phase mixture theory for particle size segregation in shallow granular free-surface flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 550. pp. 1-25. ISSN 0926-5112


Willoughby, Natasha and Parnell, William J. and Hazel, Andrew L. and Abrahams, I David (2011) Homogenization Methods to Approximate the Effective Response of Random Fibre-reinforced Composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures. (In Press)


Ziyalder, Y. and Onart, Serkan and Lionheart, W. R. B. (2003) Uniqueness and reconstruction in magnetic resonance - electrical impedance tomography (MR - EIT). Physiological Measurement, 24 (2). pp. 591-604. ISSN 0967-3334

Zuriguel, I. and Gray, J.M.N.T. and Peixinho, J. and Mullin, T. (2006) Pattern selection by a granular wave in a rotating drum. Physics Review E, 73 (061302). pp. 1-4. ISSN 1539-3755

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